Embrace the Hot Girl Walk

How did we get here? How did I get here?

Emily Roawr
3 min readJun 17, 2022

We’ve all just been through some stuff. The same, but different, for everyone, everywhere. Right? It was Covid19, in case you missed it.

Here we are now.

All reemerging at our own paces.

Young Woman walking along a rocky beach, wearing sport shorts and a sports bra, with a phone and headphones. Dark long hair in a low ponytail. Daytime.
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Some folks never went dark. They appeared unphased by the pandemic — maybe we just don’t know them well enough to know better. Other folks are still masked and carrying out the strictest biosecurity measures due to ongoing concerns. Whether that be secondary to an immunocompromised health status, anxiety and hypervigilance, or because of their job or family situation — no matter. People still operate on that level of the security spectrum.

It goes without saying, but I’m recording it in this register anyway — we have a significant portion of the country for whom Covid never fully registered as a credible threat.


I remember when the only thing anyone in suburbia was allowed to do (based on my state restrictions -location specific) was walk around outside, masked, and 6 feet apart.

Before they closed our local college campus to non-staff (students had already been sent home for the year)- I would walk the grounds of the campus.

My version of a hot girl walk.

When hot is, well, hot. And girl is, middle aged peri-menopasual puma, and walk is speed walk or puma strut.

I would see families of uptight suburbans overachieving maximalist folks speed walking in matchy matchyLand’s End gear, sporting the most medically sound — recently Faucci approved type of mask. They would stay all maintain 6 feet apart throughout the speed walk. Synchronously swinging their arms as they strode the vacant college ground. Four of them. They live in the same house and breathe the same air, but they were outside with masks on 6 feet apart, speed walking. Because it was the only thing they were allowed to do.

Like, it kind of makes no fucking sense now.

But we did it. Right?

We all did shit like that that in hindsight makes absolutely no sense. We didn’t know what we didn’t know. And a lot of people worked really effing hard to figure out the little that we do know now.

Probably nobody appreciates those people — everyone was too busy freaking out. We’re all caught up in our own bullshit. Except some scientists somewhere.

Hey people who figured out science for us, when we were too busy taking masked walks and freaking out about the end of human existence — THANK YOU. Covid 19 Docs and scientists — Sincere thanks.

Thank you.

So back to this Hot Girl Walk. I only recently heard this term. And I love it, because of course I do. I’m a lady, a girl at heart, and I love to walk. And yes, I identify as hot, becuase that’s an essential piece to even being able to DO a hot girl walk.

I looked it up today and found this hot girl walk reference article which was informative.

This woman, Mia, walked 4 miles daily, listened to positive content, and had three permitted types of thoughts. She focused on thinking about what she was grateful for, what her goals were, and of course, how hot she is.

I mean, I think this sounds sensational. I would love to think about all of those things for four miles of solitude and walking therapy. And who doesn’t wanna listen to positive content? While walking? Pure heaven!

PRO TIP: There’s no gender in HGW — you can go on a HTW Hot They Walk, or a HGW — Hot Guy or Gay Walk, Hot Non-binary walk.

Hey — you just are hot, and you walk, ok?

It’s good for you.



Emily Roawr

Career veterinarian pivoting. I write about animals, queers, adoption, alcohol free life, and art. Inquiries may be directed to emilyroawr@gmail.com